Our Trip


A 5th Century fortress. Also known as “The Fortress in the Sky” and is a A UNESCO WORLD HERITAGE SITE.
Also visit Visit Dambulla and explore the famous Golden Rock cave temple which has been declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site.


Prepare elephant vitamin balls, Clean elephant beds, clear free roaming area, participate vet checks and volunteer washing elephant in the river at the “Millenium Elephant Foundation”.Get the chance to receive an elephant shower and ride or elephant walk


Kandy, the bustling hill country capital is now a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It is famous for the Temple of the Tooth, home of the most sacred religious relic, the tooth of the Buddha. Visit Arts & Cultural Centre. Features a show of rhythmic dancers in an impressive fire walking display.

Nuwara Eliya

Visit Beragala Tea factory in Maskeliya. Get to know scientific understanding of the complicated physical and chemical changes in the Tea leaf.


 Enjoy one of the most Scenic and Beautiful Train journey in the world towards to Ella. The scenery from the train is breath-taking! 


Visit the fortress that illustrates the interaction of European architecture and South Asian traditions from the 16th to the 19th Centuries.

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